The more I hear about who is supporting Mitt the more I don't think he is the best man in the race to lead this country at this time. Everybody that supports him is a rhino republican, so it leads me to think that if Mitt is the President, all we will get is another slow train to bigger government.
I mean look at who is backing him, Bob Dole, George H. W. Bush, Jim DeMint, Lisa Murkowski, Scott Brown, Orrin Hatch, the list goes on with these types of republicans, some are so moderate that they are almost democrats.
But look who is supporting Newt, Gov. Rick Perry, Fred Thompson, Thomas Sowell, Todd Palin (I believe Sara will endorse soon), these are people that are outside of Washington.
They don't sit well with the Rhino Republicans because they truly don't want bigger government like the rhinos do. You hear Romney saying that he is an outsider, but look who is supporting him, THE INSIDERS!!
Granted, Mitt will be better than Obama, so I will support Mitt if he wins the nomination, but I believe that Newt would be better for the country at this time.