The original strategy to destroy America, employed by the Frankfurt School, came from Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci, who realized that in order to achieve a Socialist victory, cultural institutions would have to be infiltrated and subverted. Gramsci realized that America, steeped in traditions of freedom and liberty, would never to succumb to a frontal it would have to be done quietly....
Four of the Frankfurt Schools leaders were music critic Theodor Adoron, psychologist Erich Fromm, sociologist Wilhelm Reich and professor Herbert Marcuse. Their ideas, would lead to the establishment of today's politically correct way of thinking......
The Frankfurt School would patent the familiar 'Critical Theory' which was accurately defined by a student as the "essentially destructive criticism of all the main elements of Western culture, including Christianity, capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, hierarchy, morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism, nationalism, heredity, ethnocentrism, convention, and conservatism."
Under Critical Theory, anything emanation from the west is to be libeled and attacked. All blame for societal and economic ills are to be shifted to the west.
The saturating drumbeat of Critical Theory would lead to 'Cultural Pessimism' which is when a person grows to loathe the society, which nurtured him and provided him unprecedented levels of success.... Adorno’s thesis is that anyone imbued with middle class, conservative, or Christian values is a racist and a fascist....
This is where I think Obama and his followers learned the Cultural Marxist values and attitudes. The people that Obama surrounded himself with throughout his life have all believed in this way of thinking. Prof. Derrick Bell,
Reverend Wright, Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers, Van Jones, John Holdren, and many more.
I believe that Obama learned at an early age to dislike/distrust what America stood for. He learned it from his mother, father and grandparents. Then when he got into college, his indoctrination continued, because of the movement that came out of the Frankfurt School leaders.
His actions show that he believes in the Black Liberation Theology he learned in Rev. Wright's Church.
He spoke out about the arrest of Henry Louis Gates, after admitting he "didn't know all the facts" and "the cops acted stupidly"??
And now with the tragic shooting of Trayvon Martin, where is the President?? Is he trying to keep everybody calm and telling people to let justice do it's job? No, he is just adding gas to the fire on how this was a racially motivated crime. I guess using Obama's thought process, you don't have to have the facts to make your judgement. But why isn't our President trying to calm everybody down? The only reason I can think of is, look at his past actions and though processes. I believe that he wants a divided country so the Cultural Marxist, Progressive movement can destroy America. Divide and Conquer is one of the main tenants of how to take down the US.
People say that Zimmerman shot Trayvon because he was black, because Zimmerman is heard saying "he looks black". But if you would quit watching NBC, and listen to the all the facts, Zimmerman was answering the 911 operator's question of..."is he black, white, or Hispanic..." I don't know what happened that night, I wasn't there, just like all these flame throwing race-baiters weren't either. But I believe that when all the facts come out, justice will be served.
I believe that all of this is being done to "QUIETLY" take down America. It has been going on since the 60's and even before that. But in the 60's is when the radicals took over our institutions of power and education. The Leftist, Progressive teachers began indoctrinating our college students, and now those student are in control of our government.
I believe that most Americans are sleeping. They are in their own little world, playing their games, watching their TV and not paying attention to what is happening to our country.
And if Americans don't soon wake up and get involved, there won't be an AMERICA for our children or grand children.....
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