Thursday, November 20, 2014


Which Obama do you believe?????

Why do democrats believe anything this guy says.  This is not the first time he has done this.  The more I hear from him, the more I understand just who Jonathan Gruber was talking when he called the American voter "Stupid".  It is the democrat voter, because republicans and conservatives don't believe or support the crap this guy is saying.... So it has to be the democrat voters Gruber was talking about when he was calling the American voters "Stupid"........


Tuesday, November 11, 2014


This is what the arrogance of Democrats think of the American Voter....

"This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes.  If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies, okay?  So it's written to do that.  In terms of risk-rated subsidies, if you had a law which said healthy people are gonna pay in... If you made it explicit the healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed, okay?  Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.  And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever. But basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass."

 So to get Obama-Care passed, they had to lie to you, and they counted on your stupidity to get it passed. They counted on you being stupid enough to believe whatever they told you.  They repeatedly told you, "You can keep your doctor. You can keep your health insurance plan. Your premiums are gonna come down. No they're not taxes! There's no way they're taxes. And you're gonna get subsidies if you can't afford it."

Democrats even told you, "We have to pass the bill to find out what is in it."  When they told you that, they really knew just how stupid you were.  Mr. Gruber admits that, if it were known what was in it, it would not have passed, and liberal democrats are the one that wanted this law.

 Well, it's not the stupidity of the all the American voters, because the majority of American voters has never supported Obama-Care.  It's the progressive agenda of the democrat party and the willingness of the Lapdog media that pushed this law through.

Will Obama-Care be repealed?  Don't know.  If the American people continue to wake up and get involved, it can be.  But it will be a hard row to hoe, because unfortunately the lapdog media has it's minions that believe anything they say and they will continue to support liberal, progressive democrat policies. 

What Mr. Gruber has show in this video is the democrats true colors.  They have to lie, mislead and trick the American people to get done the things they want to do.  They make up the "War on Women".  They continue to divide people by inserting the "Race" card when ever possible.  They have no honest policy to run on, which is why they just lost big in the mid-term elections.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


I'm not saying she did anything wrong, I don't know.  But what I do know is that another Washington Politician is getting richer using connections when they get to DC.

People ask why do politicians spend so much money to get elected, this is why.
Being good stewards of taxpayer money is one of the biggest responsibilities of a public official, but Hagan has chosen to pocket the hard-earned dollars of American taxpayers.
I believe that no politician, including their immediate family, should be able to receive any federal or state money while in office and for 2 years after they leave office.
From a report filed early Saturday by WRAL-TV news, we have confirmation that a cluster of businesses owned by Democratic U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan’s husband and other family members collected even more subsidies from taxpayers than initially reported. While Carolina Journal’s Don Carrington has highlighted a stimulus grant totaling $250,644 that was paid to JDC Manufacturing, a real estate business co-owned by Hagan’s husband, Chip, and his brothers John and David, WRAL confirmed that JDC received an additional $137,000 in energy tax credits from the project.
Add a second federal renewable energy grant of $50,000 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to the ledger, and we learn that Hagan businesses soaked taxpayers for nearly $450,000 to pay for energy upgrades installed at JDC’s 300,000-square-foot building in Reidsville.
JDC, a company co-owned by the three Hagan brothers, applied for and received $250,644 in stimulus dollars to install more efficient lighting and furnaces and place solar panels at its building. JDC leases the building to Plastic Revolutions, a recycling company also owned by … Hagan family members. Once the project was completed, Plastic Revolutions said it expected to save $100,000 in energy costs annually. That’s a benefit it would not have received without the upgrades, which were made possible by federal taxpayers.
Moreover, JDC wound up with a more valuable asset: a modern, energy-efficient manufacturing facility that would bring a higher price if it sold, and a more inviting location for potential new tenants. And, of course, JDC received $137,000 in tax credits — again resulting from the stimulus grant.

Friday, September 12, 2014


49 Democrats signed onto S.J. Resolution 19 to give Congress the power to regulate our freedom of speech. 

Section 2 states, "Congress and the States shall have power to implement and enforce this article by appropriate legislation, and may distinguish between natural persons and corporations or other artificial entities created by law, including by prohibiting such entities from spending money to influence elections."

Democrats want this language put into the Constitution of the United States.  But what does it really say?

It says congress has the power to Ban Books, Ban Movies, and Prohibit Corporations like the NAACP, NOW, Planned Parenthood, and any other the entity and of course the evil Koch Brother from political speech.

Congress and the States shall have power to implement and enforce this article by appropriate legislation,
This line here give congress the power to implement and enforce whatever legislation they pass that addresses political speech.

and may distinguish between natural persons and corporations or other artificial entities created by law,
This line give congress the power to say WHO or WHAT something is.

including by prohibiting such entities from spending money to influence elections
This line here give congress the power to prohibit any of these entities form spending money on political speech.

To understand the real power behind this amendment you need to read it like this....

            Congress and the States shall have power to implement and enforce this article by appropriate legislation....including by prohibiting such entities from spending money to influence elections.

The section I took out was the "Entities" they spoke of in the last line.  They are "Natural Persons, Corporations, and Artificial Entities created by Law.

This last line says that congress can prohibit the Free Speech of the 3 listed "Entities".

So how will this Amendment Ban Movies and Books?  Well, the movie that got all this started was the movie "Hillary".  It was critical of Hillary and the Obama administration tried to fine the movie maker for making a movie critical of Hillary.  So if 20th Century Fox, which is a corporation.   Under the text of the amendment, what can congress do to a corporation?  It can prohibit corporations from spending money to influence elections.  So if a corporation made a movie that talks about politics, Congress can make it a criminal offense and can go to Hollywood and round up anybody that had anything to do with the movie and arrest them.

What about books?  In the same Supreme Court hearing on the movie Hillary, Justice Kennedy asked the DOJ if their position on the Constitution would prohibit the sale of the book Hillary.  The DOJ responded, "If the book contained the functional equivalent of express advocacy".  According to the ACLU, this amendment would give congress the power to ban Hillary's new book, "Hard Choices".

And Corporations will suffer the same fate as Political Movies and Books that speak about Politics.
At the National NAACP Convention, a speaker gets up and speaks about Politics, Congress has the power to make it a criminal offense and go down and arrest members of the NAACP.

What if you create a Web Page that contains Political Speech?  Congress has the power to pass legislation that prohibits you from having such a Web Site and could have you arrested.  Because in the text of the Amendment, it says, ....Congress and the States shall have power to implement and enforce this article by appropriate legislation....including by prohibiting such entities from spending money to influence elections..... And "such entities" would be YOU. 

Our 1st Amendment of the Constitution reads,
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I ask this question, what part of, Congress SHALL MAKE NO LAW... abridging Freedom of Speech do democrats not understand....



Watch this video of an explanation of what the democrats want to do to the 1st Amendment of the Constitution....Then explain why you vote for democrats....

The Democrat-proposed S.J. Res. 19, would change the First Amendment, giving politicians the ability to determine whatever they feel are “reasonable” limits on free speech, rather than the current First Amendment that completely disallows that power by stating that “Congress shall make no law prohibiting” free speech or the establishment and practice of religion. Once again democrats have no regard for the Constitution.  They know that if they could get this passed, they could eliminate all Conservative speech.....

Cruz asked the 49 Democrats, as he has before with no response, if Congress should have the constitutional authority to ban books, movies, and prohibit left-wing groups like the NAACP from speaking?  Why won't they answer him.   While is sounds like an absurd question, in what is supposed to be the “land of the free,” Democrats, thus far, have refused to answer the question, only choosing to dismiss them by stating that it is not their “intention” to take those kind of USSR-like tactics at this time.  It doesn't matter what ones "Intentions" are, it's what the Amendment says, and it says congress can choose to limit speech....

You stand against what the Founding Fathers did to make this Country great...
The lapdog media is reporting what just happened as a move by Republicans to kill "campaign finance reform," but don't believe everything you read. The legislation, put forward by hard-left Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) would have granted Congress broad and sweeping power to determine what does and does not constitute free speech.
The First Amendment is absolute and it’s clear on its face: “Congress shall make no law.” Thomas Jefferson and James Madison are rolling over in their graves because the party that they had a hand in founding is going against everything they stood for.  But for democrats, this means nothing....

When our Founding Father put together the Constitution, several delegates refused to sign it unless it contained a "Bill of Rights" in which the 1st Amendment is the very 1st one.

What makes the first Amendment so important?
The Constitution granted by the people created the government, by contract. In this Contract the federal government is given enough power to protect people’s unalienable rights from being damaged by foreign aggressors and other individuals.
Unalienable Rights can never be taken away by anyone, including the government, because they come from God. Inalienable Rights are granted by the government and subject to cancellation by the government or the people.
Our Founding Fathers gave us a Republic which guarantees each of us our Unalienable Rights. In a Democracy a vote by 51% could cancel the Rights of the other 49%.
The Contract also limits the federal government to ensure that the government itself never became the oppressor and destroyer of those rights.

The Freedoms of Speech, Assembly, and of the Press are there to make sure we had a way to find out what was going on and could let other people know about it if the government ever got the idea not honor the Contract and give itself powers which we the people hadn’t consented to grant them.  Unfortunately democrats have taken control of the message by taking over the press.  To many American journalist have sold their integrity to an ideology of oppression.  They are willing accomplices in destroying this Country instead of doing what the press should the watchdog for the people instead of being the lapdog for the government....

If government controlled the message (and they do) and religious beliefs (and they are close to tearing religion down) it would dictate how the people thought and acted. In essence government would have final word on what constitutes open expression of religion and alienate people from their unalienable rights. And with all the government regulation we have today, they are very close to this. 
When you have the power to rule over God, you become God, which is exactly what the First Amendment was created to prevent.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
– Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s propagandist

This is what the Democrat Party has become......
This link lists the democrats that want to take away our 1st Amendment Rights.....