Wednesday, September 21, 2011

17th Amendment

With what all That is going on in Washington, D.C. It would be a
good idea to do away with the 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. 

In my opinion when Senators are picked by State Legislators, they do not need
millions of big business dollars to campaign with. They will be picked by
State Legislature, and all they will need to do is go before the
Legislators and prove that they would make good Senators. This would keep
the donators of Big Business from controlling the Senators as they are doing
today and have been since the Fraudulent 17th was placed in the Constitution.
It is much easier to talk to your State Senator or Representative and
get something done then trying to talk to our Senators. In my opinion the
time is ripe to do things needed to be done with Politicians which have
needed to be done for years. We need to get back to the Constitution and
what it stands for.

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