Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Well, Rick Santorum had a great night last night in the GOP Presidential Race.  He won 3 of the 4 events.  So I guess its Rick's turn now for the Liberal Media and the Rhino Republicans (the old codgers that want what Obama want's, but at a slower pace) to come after him.  And they are already saying that low voter turn out is one possible reason why Rick did as well as he did.  They (the Libs and the Rhinos) want Romney, so they will come up with any reason to justify their cause.  Have you noticed that Romney has been pretty much left alone by the media.  Sure they have got on him a little, but nothing like what the other 3 front runner had to deal with.

Could it be that the people that are paying attention don't want Romney??  The people in America need to WAKE UP.  Just look at who is supporting Romney.  Mostly Rhino Republicans, who only want to slow down what Obama is doing.  They are for big government just like Obama.  The people that supported the candidates Rick Perry, Herman Cain, and Newt Gingrich, all want small government.

The Rhino's want Romney because they know they can control him.  The Lib's want him because the feel that Romney would be the easiest to beat. 

So get ready Rick because here they come.  You will hear more bad things said about Rick in the next few days in an effort to take Rick down. Just like they have done with Rick Perry, Herman Cain, and Newt Gingrich.  

                        WAKE UP AMERICA!!

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