Friday, April 20, 2012

DOGS.....DOGS..........DOGS................DOGS...................(TOUGH BUT TASTY)

Can you believe the media this week.  All they wanted to talk about for days was how Romney transported his dog on a trip to Canada.  Then we come to find out the Obama ate dog as a kid..............

Now all the media wants to talk about is Romney's opinion on some cookies?????????

I don't care about the cookies.   Maybe Romney didn't like them?  Maybe that was just his opinion???  who cares.....But is it news worthy??

As for all the Dog news, I don't care how Romney got the dog to Canada, and I don't care that Obama ate dog as a kid, (in some foreign countries, they do that)....

But THIS is what the MEDIA wants to focus on?????

What about 16 Trillion in debt. 
What about unemployment being over 8.2% for the past 3 years??
What about all the money the Government wastes (GSA)??
What about the Senate no passing a budget in....what.....3 years???   When the Constitution says it is to be passed EVERY year??

All the Media is doing is diverting attention away from Obama's record so they don't have to talk about it or defend it, because it can't be defended.....

The Media is killing America by not giving the facts on what goes on in Washington, so that the people who are the ones that are supposed to be running this country can make an informed decision.....



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