Friday, December 28, 2012

Can a Liberal explain this to me

10 States are getting ready to raise the minimum wage.  And I expect that the federal government will be addressing the minimum wage increase soon, because it has not gone up since 2009.

This is what I am wondering about…..

Liberals tout that raising the minimum wage will stimulate the economy by putting more money in the consumers pocket.    But yet they want to raise taxes on the "Rich" and take that money out of the economy??

Well I did the math….

There are about 5 Million Millionaires in the US.  There are about 4 Million Minimum Wage Earners in the US.

Lets say for easy math that the Minimum wage increase is a .50 average per person(I think this will be a high estimate).  

So.....             52 Weeks
                x    40 Hrs
                =  2080 hrs per year
                x    .50 per hr increase
                =  $1,040.00 per person in their pocket per year
                x      4 Million Workers
                =  $4,160,000,000.00  BILLION DOLLARS

 So that is roughly just over 4 Billion Dollars per year to spur the economy.  (But remember, there are only 10 states raising the minimum wage, and I am using ALL minimum wage earners in the US in my calculations, so this number is extremely high.  It is probably closer to $1 Billion Dollars.)

Now lets look at the Millionaires.  If we go over the "Fiscal Cliff" (that Obama and the Liberals want to happen), the "Rich" are going to pay about an average of $48,500.00 more per millionaire, per year.  So, 5 million Millionaires being taxed an additional $48.5 K, that comes out to be about……. $242,500,000,000.00 BILLION DOLLARS.

4.16 Billion in the pockets of the people 
242.5 Billion in the pocket of the government 

I guess this is where Liberal Logic sets in....Liberals think that putting 4 BILLION in the pockets of the people will stimulate the economy, but don't think that taking 242.5 BILLION out of peoples pockets is money that could stimulate the economy, and they don't think that it will hurt the economy either.  

Wouldn't it be better to have the 242.5 BILLION in the economy to help stimulate it.  

And another thing, when you raise the minimum wage, the government is forcing small businesses to increase their overhead, which in turn will cause the small business to either, increase the cost of there product or lay off workers.  So if the cost of products goes up, then that 4 Billion dollars in peoples pockets from increasing the minimum wage won't be able to buy as much as before.

I believe that Minimum wage laws are bad for the economy (see my earlier post on minimum wage).

And I think it is a stupid idea to give the Fed Government $242.5 BILLION more dollars when they haven't shown they know how to manage money.  Anybody that spends over 20 - 25% more than they take in doesn't need any more money.

So, I ask, will any of you liberals please explain this logic to me…….

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