Thursday, December 26, 2013


Sunday, November 3, 2013


                                  House GOP Solutions Group Outlines Health Care Plan
                                       to Increase Affordability, Accessibility, Availability

Commonsense Health Care Reform to Lower Costs and Increase Access and Quality at a Price Our Country Can Afford

Republicans believe there are a number of potential areas for common ground to work
with President Obama to improve health care for all Americans. Republicans are
promoting commonsense reforms that make health care more affordable, reduce the
number of uninsured Americans, and increase quality at a price our country can afford--while
making sure that Americans who like their health care coverage can keep it.

The House Republican Health Care Solutions Group has been working for months on a
plan, listening to the American people, talking to doctors and patients, collecting input,
and studying and debating ideas. This process has resulted in the broad outline of a health
care reform plan that the solutions group hopes will receive bipartisan support.

The health care reforms outlined are designed to:

1. Make quality health care coverage affordable and accessible for every American,
regardless of pre-existing health conditions.
2. Protect Americans from being forced into a new government-run health care plan
that would: a) eliminate the health care coverage that more than 100 million
Americans currently receive through their job; b) limit your choice of doctors and
medical treatment options; and c) result in the federal government taking control
of your health care.
3. Let Americans who like their health care coverage keep it, and give all Americans
the freedom to choose the health plan that best meets their needs.
4. Ensure that medical decisions are made by patients and their doctors, not
government bureaucrats.
5. Improve Americans’ lives through effective prevention, wellness, and disease
management programs, while developing new treatments and cures for life-
threatening diseases.

Making Health Care More Affordable for All Americans:

More Americans will gain access to quality health care once its costs are brought under
control. The first step in lowering health care costs is to eliminate the unnecessary overspending
in our current system.

Doctors order unnecessary tests to avoid being sued and every insurance company has its
own codes and forms patients and doctors need to fill out. The Chief Counsel to the
Health and Human Services Inspector General even went so far as to say that “building a
Medicare fraud scam is far safer than dealing in crack or dealing in stolen cars, and it’s
far more lucrative.”

To lower the costs of health care, the Republican plan:

• Brings greater fairness to the tax code by extending tax savings to those who
currently do not have employer-provided insurance but purchase health insurance on
their own. This provision would provide an “above the line” deduction that is equal
to the cost of an individual’s or family’s insurance premiums.
• Provides immediate substantial financial assistance, through new refundable and
advanceable tax credits, to low-and modest-income Americans.
• Recognizes that many Americans who have not yet hit retirement age but may be
changing jobs or have lost a job often face higher health care costs. To help those
aged 55 to 64, the plan increases support for pre and early-retirees with low-and
• Recognizes that one of the largest obstacles for many small businesses when it comes to
retaining current employees or creating new jobs is the cost of health insurance. The
plan allows states, small businesses, associations, and other organizations to band
together and offer health insurance at lower costs.
• Implements comprehensive medical liability reform that will reduce costly,
unnecessary defensive medicine practiced by doctors trying to protect themselves
from overzealous trial lawyers.
• Provides Medicare and Medicaid with additional authority and resources to stop
waste, fraud, and abuse that costs taxpayers billions of dollars every year.
• Creates incentives to save now for future and long-term health care needs by
improving health savings accounts and flexible spending arrangements as well as
creating new tax benefits to offset the cost of long-term care premiums.
• Gives financial help to caregivers who provide in-home care for a loved one.
Making Health Care More Available & Accessible for All Americans:

The Republican plan reduces the number of uninsured Americans by wisely targeting this
population and helping Americans keep health care coverage regardless of a change in or
loss of a job.

To expand availability and accessibility of health care coverage, the Republican plan:

• Makes it easier for Americans to keep health care coverage regardless of a change in
or loss of a job.
• Encourages states to create a Universal Access Program by establishing and/or
reforming existing programs to guarantee all Americans, regardless of pre-existing
conditions or past illnesses, have access to affordable coverage.
• Strengthens employer-provided health coverage by helping the 10 million uninsured
Americans who are eligible, but not enrolled in, an employer-sponsored plan get
health care coverage. The plan does this by encouraging employers to move to opt-
out, rather than opt-in rules.
• Helps employers offer health care coverage to their workers by reducing their
administrative costs through a new small business tax credit.
• Recognizes that not all high school and college graduates are able to find a job that
offers health care coverage after graduation. By allowing dependents to remain on
their parents’ health policies up to the age of 25, the number of uninsured Americans
could be reduced by up to 7 million.
• Provides flexibility to Medicaid and SCHIP beneficiaries by allowing them to apply
the value of their benefit to a health plan that better meets their needs than the one-size-
fits-all government program.
Promoting Healthy Living and Quality Care for All Americans Now and

Innovations in treatment and access to quality health care information are critical to
ensuring Americans receive the best possible care. It’s no secret that patients in other
countries are often denied care or die waiting to get access to the top treatments.

To promote prevention and wellness while ensuring every American has access to high quality health care, the Republican plan:

• Promotes prevention and wellness by giving employers and insurers greater flexibility
to financially reward employees who seek to achieve or maintain a healthy weight,
quit smoking, and manage chronic illnesses like diabetes.
• Rewards high-quality care, instead of encouraging health care providers to order more
and unnecessary services.
• Uses new and innovative treatment programs to better coordinate care between health
care providers, ensuring that those with chronic disease receive the care they need and
do not continue to fall through the cracks.
• Encourages the creation of health plan finders to provide patients with the tools to
easily find the right health plan that best meets their needs.
• Gives patients access to health care information so that they can identify and select
health care providers who deliver high-quality care at a lower cost.
• Makes health care more convenient by eliminating bureaucratic red tape to expand
access to Community Health Centers that are so critical to underserved areas, both in
large cities and in rural America.
• Encourages home care and independence for patients rather than forcing individuals
into institutionalized settings.
• Promotes seniors' access to the doctors they need by modernizing Medicare
• Provides incentives to physicians who enter the field of primary care, helping to
ensure all Americans have access to the doctors they need.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Once again, those that support the Libertarian candidate Robert Sarvis, are going to cause the democrat candidate to win an election in VA.

America is not ready for a third party in a general election yet.  Our two political parties are mislabeled, they are not Republicans and Democrats.  They are Progressives and Conservatives.  And the Libertarians are ultra Conservative.  So when a libertarian candidate gets into an election, he is going to pull votes from the Conservative candidate, not the Progressive candidate.  So this guarantees the Progressive candidate to be elected, which moves us further away from what our Constitution stands for, and closed to some type of Socialistic Government.

I am all for making sure the Conservative candidate is truly a conservative, but that should be done in a primary.  Mr. Sarvisn needs to have challenged Ken Cuccinelli in a primary, not a general election.

In this years election, Mr. Sarvis is only polling 10% and less.  If you can't poll any better than this, you should drop out and support the Conservative candidate.  This is for the common good of the country, not to just prove a point.  Again, you prove a point during the primary.

A so so Conservative candidate is better than any progressive candidate in a general election  We need to pick our battles.  And a general election is not the battle.

Maybe one day a third party candidate will be viable in a general election, but we are not at that point.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


 In recent interviews Kathleen Sebelius has said some amazing things.  Some of them show the arrogance of these people in Washington,  some show how they are deceiving the low information voter into believing that the government is there to help them.

Sebelius said on 10-24-13, "The majority of people calling for me to resign I would say are people who I don't work for, and who do not want this program to work in the first place.  I have had frequent conversations with the president and I have committed to him that my role is to get the program up and running and we will do just that."

In an interview on 10-25-13 in Austin TX, Sebelius said,   “In an ideal world there would have been a lot more testing.  We did not have the luxury of that with a law that said it’s go time on October 1st and frankly a political atmosphere where the majority party at least in the House was determined to stop this any way they possibly could including shutting down the United States government. So it was not an ideal atmosphere.”  Sebelius told this to reporters about the botched roll-out of the site where millions of Americans are expected to enroll in Obama-Care.   Later in the interview she said she knew that if they had 6 more months, they could have tested more.  This was where she admits that she knew the web site wasn't ready to go....did she tell the President??

To show the arrogance of these people, in her Oct 24th interview, she says that "she doesn't work for the people that were calling for her resignation".  This statement shows the arrogance of the people in Washington today.  Ms. Sebelius and the others seem to have forgotten what was taught in High School Civics class (well, with our current education system, maybe they weren't taught how our government is to work), that all Federal Employees work for the Taxpayers.  Now, she could have answered the question by saying, "the president hasn't asked for my resignation...."  But that would be the answer a servant would give, not an arrogant dictator.   Too many of them have gotten to DC and they think they are some kind of royalty.  

Then on Oct. 25th, she is blaming the reason the Web Site problems on the republicans???  What??  How is it the republicans fault that a web site that you have been designing for over 3 years, was screwed up because the republicans were trying to change implementation of the Obama-care program.  How do you make that leap.......I'll tell you how, by using liberal logic and the lapdog media to help you push your logic.  

Next is where deception and lying occur.   On the 24th, Sebelius says, "I have had frequent conversations with the president..."  This means she has been talking to the president a lot about the rollout of Obama-Care.  And in her Oct.25th interview she says she knew she needed 6 more months to do some more testing.

Here are my questions to you democrats that want socialized medicine.

If Sebelius were talking to the president "frequently", did she mention to the president that she needed 6 more months?

If she did, why didn't the president take the republican deal to delay the implementation of Obama-Care for a year to give Sebelius more time for testing and keep the doors open on the government?  Could it be that the president wanted the government shut down?  So he could inflect pain on the American people for political gain, because Obama knew the lapdog media would push his narrative that the republicans caused the shut down.

If she didn't inform Obama she needed 6 more months, why didn't Obama ask for her resignation for not informing him?  If I were president and one of my cabinet members, in charge of my biggest political accomplishment, didn't tell me it was not ready,  she would be gone.  

That is why I think she did tell him.  Because Obama wanted the government to be shut down so he could inflict damage on the republicans.

And why is it nobody has been fired?  After 3 years of development and $400 to $500 Million dollars spent, nobody has been fired?  Now Sebelius claimed that Obama had been blindsided by the embarrassing failure and strongly implied that she had been as well.  Sebelius had, after all, spent the last several months claiming that everything was going great and that there was no need to delay the roll-out.  Either Sebelius has been and continues to lie about all of the above, or her subordinates have been lying to her, and if so, any competent manager would have canned them immediately on discovering it. The fact that no one has been fired at HHS over this, strongly suggests that it’s Sebelius and the White House who have been dishonest with the American public all along.

We need to remind every elected official in this coming primary season by not voting for any candidate that has an (I) for Incumbent next to their name.  The political class in Washington is so out of touch with what needs to be done in America that we need to just put some average Americans in office, like the Constitution suggests, that will do their service for a few years and then come back home to live under the laws they create.  

Our current politicians go to DC, get rich, and when they retire after a life time of living of the taxpayer, they can afford to live under the stupid laws they have passed that got them rich in the first place. 



Saturday, October 19, 2013


Why is it when people are presented the facts in a discussion to a question or statement they make, they either refuse to believe, choose to believe the lie, or just move onto another topic without ever acknowledging that they were just proven wrong.  Here is a recent discussion that I had with a friend of mind on Facebook. 

She starts off the discussion about Healthcare and it moved onto democracy vs. Republic, to Slavery.  This is what I mean about being confronted with the facts, once she was shown to be wrong, she quickly moved onto another topic, and each time the facts proved her wrong again, she moved on to another one....

Tracey Lapole If one states healthcare system is leaving people to die then they are not allowed to cross state lines? We only go to war together?   

Here she starts off on the healthcare topic
Rodney Quinn Easy, follow the damn constitution. It outlines I believe 16 enumerated powers and the rest was for the states and local levels. I'll give you a secret, welfare, EBT, handouts, bail outs, subsidies, etc are not an enumerated power. The constitution was written to limit government greatly.
Chris Peckham We are not allowed to cross state lines?
Tracey Lapole You know I do not have a problem with that. But the biggest thing we did wrong was to create the federal reserve. All the rest of things would not be an issue if that one act had not occurred. We would be floating in prosperity.
Chris Peckham I agree, the federal reserve is illegal....but I don't think it's the root of all bad things going on...
Tracey Lapole I know it is!! We sold our sovereignty to a banking cartel. Not only the ours but the whole worlds. Take it from an Ex banker! We have had the largest heist in history happen over the last 20 to 30 years.
Tracey Lapole So I shall not blame the poor, for it was stolen from them! It as stlen from the middle class also!
Tracey Lapole Wow getting tired too many typos time for bed!
Chris Peckham I blame democracy for our current problem just as much as the fed...
Tracey Lapole Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally—either directly or through elected representatives—in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. It encompasses social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination. Doesn't sound like such a bad thing without greed and power!
Chris Peckham A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. Democracy just plain doesn’t work. And it inevitably leads to tyranny. In a democracy there are no constraints on the government, the majority can impose its will on the minority. The US is actually a Republic. It is governed by rule of law. The elected is supposed to be bound by oath to the written governing limits (ie constitution) yet vote "together" and create laws to address concerns of the represented in a democratic way. In a republic, a constitution or charter of rights protects certain inalienable rights that cannot be taken away by the government, even if it has been elected by a majority of voters. In a "pure" democracy, the majority is not restrained and can impose its will on the minority. Our Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they gave us a Republic and not a democracy.

Here I point out we are not a democracy and she jumps to slavery and the lie of the 3/5 compromise

49 minutes ago · Like
Tracey Lapole So if we had a republic there never would have been slavery? But when they voted for the republic they considered Blacks to be three fifths of a person.
Here she repeats the lie of the 3/5 compromise
Chris Peckham The Constitution did not say that blacks were three fifths of a person.
Tracey Lapole In a republic, a constitution or charter of rights protects certain inalienable rights that cannot be taken away by the government, unless you were a black person then you were only 3/5 of a person. Even that was abused.

Chris Peckham The Constitution did not say that blacks were three fifths of a person.
Tracey Lapole The Three-Fifths Compromise is found in Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 3 of the United States Constitution:
33 minutes ago · Like

Now she references the section of the Constitution that the lie is referring to.
Chris Peckham This is a lie that the democrats have been telling people for years to make republicans look like racists,, when it is in fact the democrats that have a more active historical role in racism than republicans. In 1787, delegates from 13 colonies were meeting in Philadelphia trying to hammer out a document to form a new union — The United States of America. Different colonies, though, had different goals. The Northern colonies were determined to end slavery. Southern colonies felt slavery was necessary for their economic survival. The issue came to a head during discussions on how the populations of the various states would be counted to determine representation in the newly formed House of Representatives. Convention delegates opposed to slavery (generally from the North) wanted to count only the free inhabitants of each state. Southern delegates wanted every slave counted. Why? Because the higher population numbers would give them more members in the House. A compromise was reached. For the purpose of congressional apportionment, Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 3 of the new Constitution provided that the state populations would be determined by the number of free persons in each state and adding “three fifths of all other persons.” In other words, for every 100 slaves in the state, 60 people would be added to its population count. Indentured slaves were counted as free persons and “Indians not taxed” were left out of the tally entirely. There was NO mention of race and NO suggestion that anyone counted as three-fifths of a human being. In fact, if the three fifths compromise had not been in the Constitution and the "all other persons" had been counted a one, the south would have had more seats in the Congress and slavery may not have been outlawed, because the democrats in the south wanted slavery to continue.

When she is given the facts of the 3/5 compromise, she then changes to the lie that the racist democrats of the past became the racist republicans of the present
Tracey Lapole Very true the southerners were all democrats until the civil rights movement then they became good republicans.
Chris Peckham That's another false hood. Johnson was a democrat that opposed the civil rights bill. Nixon, a republican was in favor of it.
Tracey Lapole Alas Chris, I am sure that the racism I witnessed while living in the south was a pure figment of my active imagination.
Robert E. Brown I don't think the south is the only place you can find racism.
Tracey Lapole I agree totally Robert! I said when I moved up north to be a Yankee that the difference between the north and the south is they were proud of their prejudice in the south, and in the north they pretend not to be and many of their hearts really are!

Chris Peckham I never said there wasn't racism. There is racism everywhere. I'm just pointing out how our history has been revised by the democrats to harness the black vote. Again it was Johnson that said “I’ll have those n.-.---s voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” What I have presented are factual arguments to democrat charges about our History, but yet when democrats are confronted with the facts, they just say, well there is racism everywhere, but never admit that they have been lied too. Just lick I hear so many people make the claim that republicans think black are only three fifths of a person, or that the racist democrats became the republicans...these things didn't happen. And yet when democrats are shown these to be untrue, they can't admit that they have been lied to. But what they need to think about is...What else have they been lie to about??
6 minutes ago · Like

And then after she never admits that she has gotten incorrect information and can't defend her assertions, she finishes with this statement...?
Tracey Lapole I am so proud to be raised by one of the most beautiful human beings ever, my mom Marsha! She taught me so well and showed love and kindness every day by her actions! We were very blessed to be given the best example of what it means to be a unselfish and loving and caring and kind human beings!

This is why the democrat party is losing influence, they can't defend their assertions and when confronted with facts, they take of an a rabbit trail of other assertions, that can't be defended either.  And if the lapdog media would do their jobs and return to being the watchdogs for America, the democrat party would fade away or realize they need to be more supportive of the Constitution.