Saturday, August 31, 2013


Common Core is just another step in the direction of Socialism in this country by the progressives in Washington.  

Common Core bribed the states with the 2009 Stimulus Bill.  They told them that if they wanted any of the Stimulus money, they would have to agree to implement Common Core, even before the standards for Common Core were written.  The applications for the money were due in by January 2010, but the draft for the Common Core Standards wasn’t released until March of 2010.  

Common Core advocates claim that Common Core is just standards and not curriculum, and States will be in charge of their own curricula.   But the point of standards is to drive curriculum.  Standards say what should be taught in the classroom, curriculum just adds the details.  And what’s on the National Tests will dictate the curriculum.  This is what the 2 testing consortia admitted in their Federal grant applications when they said that they would develop curriculum models and the DOE confirmed this when they gave them the Federal grants.  So this shows that there will be a National Curriculum.  

This clearly shows that this is not constitutional.  Common Core violates 3 Federal Statues. 

1.       General Education Provision Act

2.       Department of Education Organization Act

3.       Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

When a State agrees to adopt Common Core, they agree to implement the standards “word for word”.   The State cannot change anything and it cannot delete anything, the State may add no more than 15% to any content area.  I don’t see how giving States 15% control of education equals States controlling education.

If States do have control like the proponents of Common Core say they do, what happens when parents or teachers find that parts of Common Core don’t work?   They can’t do anything; they can’t go to the principle, the school board or anybody up through the Governor.  Nobody in the State can change any standard of Common core.  So who has control to change things with Common Core?  Common Core is owned and copy righted by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief States School Officers.  So parents will have no clue as to who these people are that are in charge of writing the Common Core Standards.  So how is it that States are in charge of our children’s education?

As for what some of the standards are.  Some of the math standards’ are, Algebra 1 will be moved to the 9th grade from the 8th grade, so now it will be harder for students to reach calculus in high school, which is what many Universities require.  Geometry is going to be taught by an experimental method never used successfully anywhere in the world.  And if a teacher sees that this experimental method of teaching Geometry isn’t working, there is nobody for that teacher to go to in order to get it changed.  Because of these types of changes, our children will not be ready for college.  Studies show that American students by the time they get to the 8th grade they will be at least 2 years behind those of the highest achieving countries.

As for English Standards, they are inadequate and won’t prepare students for college and that they would be reading only on a 7th grade level when they are to be leaving for college.  Instead of reading Classical Literature, Common Core will emphasize nonfiction “informational texts”.  Texts like “technical manuals, government documents and even brochures and menus.  What will teachers do that were trained to teach Literature and now have to teach how to read a menu??  I believe that the good teachers will quit and go to private schools of even other countries so they can actually teach.  Because there is nothing they can do about it in Federal Run Government Schools. 

There is a student-tracking system that collects personally identifiable data, removing student and parental privacy.  Some of the data points to be collected are discipline records, test scores, family income, health information, religious affiliation, and the DOE is pressuring states to turn over that information in exchange for various federal grants.  And this data can also be shared with other governmental agencies. 

The worse thing about Common Core is how it will affect Charter Schools, Voucher Programs, Private schools and even homeschoolers.  The DOE will say that if you are a Charter School or receive Vouchers, you will have to adopt Common Core Standards.  The new president of the College Board and primary author of the Common Core English Language Arts standards says he will seek to align the SAT with Common Core with its unique style of instruction.  So how will that affect Private and Home Schools?  These schools will be at a disadvantage unless they adopt the Common Core Standards, because Colleges require strong performances on the SAT for students to be admitted.    

As of now these are the only 2 subjects included in Common Core, progressives believe in baby steps to get people to do what they want, but Science and History are already in the development stages and will be coming on line in the near future.  

This needs to be stopped.  Check out these web sites for more information:



This is just another step towards socialism.  Begin controlling what people think at an early age and they will do and vote how they want you to.  Children are being indoctrinated into thinking that the government needs to be in control of our lives.


Friday, August 30, 2013


Let me get this straight.   Democrats say that Tax Paying American Citizens have to register for Obama care, prove they have insurance or pay a “Tax” if you don’t.  

But yet an “Illegal Alien” doesn’t have to register for Obama care, doesn't have to have insurance or pay the “Tax” if they don’t have insurance and can get free health care, that we as hard working, taxpaying, legal citizens…. pay for.

I wonder if those employers that hire “illegal” aliens will hire more of them and lay off Americans so they can avoid paying for healthcare?????

Again, I ask my Democrat friends, if Obama Care is so good, why did the government exempt themselves and many others…. If Obama Care is so good?????

‘ ‘ Crickets ‘ ‘ …


Saturday, August 17, 2013


 Lately Oprah has jumped onto the Race-Baiting Bandwagon with the likes of Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama.  In some recent interviews she has made comparisons of the Travon Martin case to Emmett Till murder back in 1955.  In the Emmett Till murder, there was racism  involved and this 14 year old boy was brutally torchered and killed.  This was not the case with Travon.  But if you are a race-baiter, you say it anyway.

Oprah has also exaggerated the facts on the lynchings of black people in the past.  She was talking about the use of the "N" word when she said this,

              “...You cannot be my friend and use that word around me. It shows my age, but I feel strongly about it. … I always think of the millions of people who heard that as their last word as they were hanging from a tree...”

Millions???  Really Oprah??   According to information gleaned from the archives at the Tuskegee Institute, 4,743 were lynched between 1882 and 1968 — not the millions claimed by Winfrey.  Now I'm sure there were probably more than this that were not know about, but certainly not MILLIONS.   But if you are a race-baiter, you say it anyway.

And, of the 4,743 people lynched during that period, about one in four — 1,297 — were white, and the majority of the 1,297 were Republican.  This is a fact that you never hear about from the race-baiters.  Oprah then said "that young people today know “diddly squat” about the civil rights movement".  Sounds like Oprah needs to be included with "the young people today".   Because that much, at least is true.

If young people were taught real history, not the politically correct version that fits the liberal agenda that is being forced on students today, they would know that Democrats fought tooth and nail to stop civil rights legislation for decades and they would know that for years, southern blacks strongly supported Republicans, something angered white Democrats to the point of violence.

Oprah has also been seen on TV talking about her "racist" encounter when trying to purchase a purse.  I don't know what happened there, but the clerk says that it didn't happen the way Oprah said it did.  (Isn't it interesting that Oprah expects us to believe her and not the clerk, but you can't believe what George Zimmerman said and what the evidence showed.  I would like to see the security tape from the store myself.

The problem with all the liberal race-baiters is they can't tell the difference between perception and profiling.

But if you are a race-baiter, you say it anyway....

Lately Oprah has jumped onto the Race-Baiting Bandwagon with the likes of Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama.  In some recent interviews she has made comparisons of the Travon Martin case to Emmett Till murder back in 1955.  In the Emmett Till murder, there was racism  involved and this 14 year old boy was brutally torchered and killed.  This was not the case with Travon.  But if you are a race-baiter, you say it anyway.

Oprah has also exaggerated the facts on the lynchings of black people in the past.  She was talking about the use of the "N" word when she said this,

              “...You cannot be my friend and use that word around me. It shows my age, but I feel strongly about it. … I always think of the millions of people who heard that as their last word as they were hanging from a tree...”

Millions???  Really Oprah??   According to information gleaned from the archives at the Tuskegee Institute, 4,743 were lynched between 1882 and 1968 — not the millions claimed by Winfrey.  Now I'm sure there were probably more than this that were not know about, but certainly not MILLIONS.   But if you are a race-baiter, you say it anyway.

And, of the 4,743 people lynched during that period, about one in four — 1,297 — were white, and the majority of the 1,297 were Republican.  This is a fact that you never hear about from the race-baiters.  Oprah then said "that young people today know “diddly squat” about the civil rights movement".  Sounds like Oprah needs to be included with "the young people today".   Because that much, at least is true.

If young people were taught real history, not the politically correct version that fits the liberal agenda that is being forced on students today, they would know that Democrats fought tooth and nail to stop civil rights legislation for decades and they would know that for years, southern blacks strongly supported Republicans, something angered white Democrats to the point of violence.

Oprah has also been seen on TV talking about her "racist" encounter trying to purchase a purse.  I don't know what happened there, but the clerk says it didn't happen the way Oprah said. (Isn't it interesting that Oprah expects everybody to believe what she says on what happened, but you can't believe what George Zimmerman said and what the evidence showed) I would like to see the security tape from the store myself.  

The problem I see with all the race-baiter is they can't tell the difference between Perception and Profiling.  

But if you are a race-baiter, you say it anyway.

Monday, August 12, 2013


Why do so many on the left say or imply that Obama is God or God-Like….

Recently, Jamie Foxx, on an awards show said this, “It's like church over here. It's like church in here. First of all, give an honor to God and our Lord and Savior Barack Obama,"

Newsweek’s Evan Thomas on Chris Matthews show back in 2009 said this,  ”Well, we were the good guys in 1984, it felt that way. It hasn't felt that way in recent years. So Obama’s had, really, a different task we’re seen too often as the bad guys.  And he – he has a very different job from – Reagan was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is ‘we are above that now.’ We're not just parochial, we're not just chauvinistic, we’re not just provincial. We stand for something – I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God. “

Now if you mock this President, the left thinks “heads need to roll”.  This is kind of what happens when people mock Mohammad.

We have always mocked our leaders, especially the President.  I can remember Nixon, Regan, and Bush’s 1 & 2 being mocked by Americans.  Even Carter and Clinton have been mocked.  But today, you can’t mock President Obama or else “heads need to roll.”

Recently at the Missouri State Fair, a clown with an Obama mask on, is in hot water for making fun of Obama.  From Fair officials to Senator Claire McCaskill, to the governor and lieutenant governor, condemned the rodeo clown’s decision to don a mask resembling the president’s face, and in the Daily Kos, a writer’s comment said, “All I want is some heads to roll.”    
Democratic U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill called the stunt shameful and unacceptable, noting that the fair receives taxpayer dollars and is supposed to celebrate the state.

She also said, “the Missourians who witnessed this stunt learned exactly the wrong lesson about political discourse — that somehow it’s ever acceptable to, in a public event, disrespect, taunt and joke about harming the president of our great nation,” McCaskill’s statement said.

Gov. Jay Nixon’s press secretary, Scott Holste, said in a statement, “The governor agrees that the performance was disrespectful and offensive, and does not reflect the values of Missourians or the State Fair.”

Republican Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder said the clown’s performance reflected poorly on the state. “The [fair] celebrates Missouri and our people,” Kinder tweeted. “I condemn the actions disrespectful to [the president of the United States] the other night. We are better than this.”

Back in 2009 when reporting at a Tea Party Rally, Susan Roesgen interviewed a man holding a sign that displayed Obama made to look like Hitler. “This is a party for Obama bashers”, Roesgen reported.  Pointing to the poster that had Obama looking like Hitler, Roesgen asked, “What is this supposed to mean? What do you mean by that? The man holding the poster replied that Obama is fascist.

Roesgen: Wait, why do you say he’s a fascist? He’s the president of the United States. Do you realize how offensive that is?

Flashback to January 13, 2006. When CNN reporter Susan Roesgen filed the following report on how FEMA bureaucracy was delaying federal funds for the rebuilding of New Orleans.  
“City officials aren’t the only ones wondering when federal money will materialize. Catholic school girls marched on Jackson Square. They and their teachers say more money is needed to fix the levees, and they hoped the President would stop by after his meeting with business leaders. But while a look-alike showed up with a wad of cash, Mr. Bush did not.”

 No mention by Roesgen of how offensive it was to make a Bush figure that looked like Hitler and Satan.  

The low information voter needs to get informed.  Our country is being taken over by evil people with evil plans for America.