Our Constitution is being dismantled each day and the American People need to WAKE UP!
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Lately Oprah has jumped onto the Race-Baiting Bandwagon with the likes of Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama. In some recent interviews she has made comparisons of the Travon Martin case to Emmett Till murder back in 1955. In the Emmett Till murder, there was racism involved and this 14 year old boy was brutally torchered and killed. This was not the case with Travon. But if you are a race-baiter, you say it anyway.
Oprah has also exaggerated the facts on the lynchings of black people in the past. She was talking about the use of the "N" word when she said this,
“...You cannot be my friend and use that word around me. It shows my age, but I feel strongly about it. … I always think of the millions of people who heard that as their last word as they were hanging from a tree...”
Millions??? Really Oprah?? According to information gleaned from the archives at the Tuskegee Institute, 4,743 were lynched between 1882 and 1968 — not the millions claimed by Winfrey. Now I'm sure there were probably more than this that were not know about, but certainly not MILLIONS. But if you are a race-baiter, you say it anyway.
And, of the 4,743 people lynched during that period, about one in four — 1,297 — were white, and the majority of the 1,297 were Republican. This is a fact that you never hear about from the race-baiters. Oprah then said "that young people today know “diddly squat” about the civil rights movement". Sounds like Oprah needs to be included with "the young people today". Because that much, at least is true.
If young people were taught real history, not the politically correct version that fits the liberal agenda that is being forced on students today, they would know that Democrats fought tooth and nail to stop civil rights legislation for decades and they would know that for years, southern blacks strongly supported Republicans, something angered white Democrats to the point of violence.
Oprah has also been seen on TV talking about her "racist" encounter when trying to purchase a purse. I don't know what happened there, but the clerk says that it didn't happen the way Oprah said it did. (Isn't it interesting that Oprah expects us to believe her and not the clerk, but you can't believe what George Zimmerman said and what the evidence showed. I would like to see the security tape from the store myself.
The problem with all the liberal race-baiters is they can't tell the difference between perception and profiling.
But if you are a race-baiter, you say it anyway....
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