Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Well the "super-committee" failed......what??      Who saw that coming?  

Just about anybody that has been paying attention to Washington politics!!  

These politicians make well over $250,000.00 and have a benefits package that nobody can match, but yet they don't/can't do their jobs!!  They take struggling tax payers money and they stuff it into their unethical, lazy political pockets. 

If you or I had the type of job performance that congress does, we would be fired faster than congress can spend a dollar.  Their job performance over the years has gotten us over a $15 TRILLION debt.  

All this "super-committee" had to do was cut $1.2 Trillion from the budget over the next 10 years.  This may sound like a lot of money, but for what the Government spends, it's not much.  It comes out to about $120 Billion a year in cuts, that's less than 3% of what congress expects to be spent next year!  

So, "super-committee," are you telling me that we are paying you over $250K a year, and you can't cut 3 cents from every dollar of OUR money, that  you want to spend next year!!??    


In the first 10 months of 2010, we have already overspent .......$1.2 TRILLION.....So they can spend $1.2 trillion in ONE year, but can't cut $1.2 Trillion over 10 years?     


Here's a solution....congress, tell every cabinet member to cut 3% from your budget.  BANG....DONE DEAL..... How hard is that?         



Saturday, November 19, 2011


In 2004, the GSA Federal Real Property Profile Report states that the United States government owns almost 650 million acres of land; nearly 30% of all US acreage.   For every 10 acres in the US, the Government owns 3.  Why?  These lands are managed by different administrations, such as the Bureau of Land Management, the US Forest Service, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Park Service, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the US Department of Defense, the US Army Corps of Engineers, the US Bureau of Reclamation or the Tennessee Valley Authority.

Here is the map from the GSA in 2004, but notice the west:

The following states are the top 10 in terms of percentage:
1.   Nevada          84.5%
2.   Alaska          69.1%
3.   Utah              57.4%
4.   Oregon          53.1%
5.   Idaho             50.2%
6.   Arizona          48.1%
7.   California        45.3%
8.   Wyoming       42.3%
9.   New Mexico   41.8%
10. Colorado        36.6%

Did you notice that all these are in the west?

The Constitution provides for the Federal Government to own land for:
1. The erection of forts.
2. For magazines and arsenals.
3. For dock-yards.
4. For other useful buildings such as post offices.

If the Constitution says that these are the 4 reasons for the government to own land, why do they need 84% of NV?

 But why does the federal government own 65 percent of all the land west of Denver and less than 2 percent of the land east of Denver?

The Government says part of it is to protect the environment, well why does the west need to be protected more than the east?  Is there another reason?
Could it be because of the energy resources there?  If the States and/or private Americas were allowed to own this land, then they could develop those resources.  And this would help lead us to energy independence and create more jobs.   So why are the progressives against this? 


These are the reasons we need to get the land out of the control of the Government.

I don’t believe that the Constitution allows for the Government to own all this land.  So what should they do with it?  Why not sell it back to the American people?  It’s possible to pay-off the National Debt, or a big chunk of it with the sale of a lot of the land.  We’ve even done this before in the past.
President Andrew Jackson sold real estate in the western US in 1835 a deal that reportedly netted about $75 million.  Jackson was able to use the proceeds to pay-off the entire national debt.
But the progressives in power (right & left) would rather see the country default and go bankrupt, than take this type of measure to help fix the problem.  When a nation is severely in debit, it ought to sell off some of its assets to balance its books. There are many Americans who would gladly buy up some of that government land, which could then become productive property.

I’m not sure of how much more land the Government has purchased since 2004, but I’m sure they have.

Government is staging a full-fledged control assault on this country, and the people are asleep.


Monday, November 14, 2011


I thought this was a debate between the GOP Presidential Candidates. 

So why is Mr. Pelley debating Newt?  I loved it when Mr. Pelley had that smug elitist look on his face and then Newt wiped it off when he schooled Pelley.  You can hear Pelley in the back ground saying "no" when Newt was explaining the Rule of Law. 

This just goes to show how bias the MSM is towards the GOP.


                                              WAKE UP AMERICA

Friday, November 11, 2011


I talked about when Herman Cain was climbing in the polls, he would come under attack.  Well the left, and the rhino's on the right have held nothing back, and now Herman is slipping just a little.  I think he can fight the accusations off, unless some proof shows up that he has accutally done the things he is accused of.  But I believe the accuzation have to be looked into, but one question I have is, why are all the accusations coming from the time Cain as with the NRA?  If Cain has a history of this behavior, there should be many, many more accusations.  After all, he was only with the NRA for about 3 years of his over 40 years in business??  This doesn't make sense??

Well, now Newt is rising in the polls, and the media has pretty much left him alone since the first few weeks after he announced.  But like Cain, now that he is moving up, the attacks are going to get started.  Both from the Liberals on the left and the Rhino's on the right.

Why is this?  I belive that the rhino's on the right want Romney, because he is closer to the center (basically a slower version of obama, just like bush was.)  The left wants Romney because they believe that he would be the easiest of the front runners to beat.  Mainly because of Romney's flip flopping.  This will be what the left and the MSM focus on, and they will rip into him for it, if it comes to a Romney vs. Obama race.

So Newt, watch they come.

Sunday, November 6, 2011



Romney too me seems to be too much of a politician.  He has a big flip-flop record.  While I agree anybody can change their opinion, he has done it so many times on so many issues…recently.  Usually you expect a person to do these things earlier in life.  But at his age has he just become aware that abortion just legalizes killing babies? 

He has changed his mind on Climate change; he was in favor of carbon taxes.  He once stood outside a coal-fired plant in  to show his support for emissions caps. "I will not create jobs or hold jobs that kill people, and that plant, that plant kills people," he said. 

He instituted the first universal health care system by installing it in Massachusetts, based on mandatory insurance purchases. He said it could be a model for the country. We need a candidate that says the government should not be involved in mandating health care.  

As a candidate for the Senate in 1994 and for governor in 2002 he championed the rights of gays and lesbians, including civil unions and the extension of marital benefits to gay couples. He promised to be a more effective champion of gay rights than Ted Kennedy.  

 He was for gun control before he was against it. As governor he favored a ban on assault weapons and the Brady Bill, which required a waiting period to buy handguns. Now he's solidly with the National Rifle Association.

Romney has yet to rise above 30 percent in the polls of Republican voters.  It seems that whenever a new candidate jumped in the race, that person soared in the polls.  But then the MSM jumped all over that new candidate to beat them down.  They have done it to Bachman, Perry, and now Cain. 

One should ask themselves, why do they go after the new candidates, but leave Romney alone.  I believe that it is because the Democrats and the MSM want Romney to be the candidate because they believe they can exploit Romney’s stance on issues or the lack thereof a firm stance.

The Republican Rhino professionals are consigning the Republican presidential nomination to Mitt Romney more than a month before the first Iowan casts a vote.  The Rhinos in the Republican Party are also for Romney because he is just like them.  As president they know he would govern by accommodation as he always did. No one believes that he would stick to any of the stands he has taken the past year.  The Rhino’s are just a very slow version of Obama.

If Romney were to win the nomination, Republicans would once again be a voting for the “lesser of two evils.”

We need Statesmen in the government to be able to make a difference in our Country....




As I watched the debate last night between Cain and Gingrich I could not help myself from thinking this would be a great GOP ticket to get America back on the right track.  

With Cain you have a man that knows how the financial system of this country works, knows how to create jobs and just where the government is too involved.   While some would have us apologizing for America, Cain passionately believes in America. He repeatedly calls Americans to pursue our historic ideals of liberty, justice, and goodness. Although we won’t always achieve these ideals, that’s no reason to abandon their pursuit or downplay their rightness.  America is unique and exceptional and worth celebrating. Cain would inspire us toward our best.  We don't need just a good speaker, but we do need someone who can use the Presidential platform to inspire Americans to our highest and best
ideals. Cain can do it.

With Gingrich you have what I believe is missing from Washington, a Statesman.  Gingrich knows how Washington works and he is very intelligent on the history of the country.  He is the most eloquent speaker the GOP has running, and can out debate any other candidate on how this country was formed and what the framers and founders meant when they put together the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  Gingrich too knows how the economy works; after all he did have a part in balancing the budget back in the 90’s.  And yes Gingrich has some baggage, but who doesn’t?  As Christians we are to forgive and forget (as long as they are not continuing in their dishonest behavior).  Hopefully he has learned from his mistakes and become a better man as a result.  Some people will say that Obama and the democrats will use his past mistakes against him, well if that is all they have, let them go ahead and do it.  Gingrich will run against all of Obama’s record while he was President.  I believe that will be a fight Gingrich will win.

There have been too many politicians in DC over the years and not enough Statesmen.  To me the difference in a politician and a Statesman is, a politician runs on promises he can’t keep and Statesman runs on principles he believes in.
I believe that both men are Statesmen and have a core set of principles that they will govern by.   

We also need somebody in the Whitehouse that will talk to the American people and make them feel good to be Americans.  Our current resident doesn’t do that, maybe on occasion he does, but for the most part he is either belittling some part of our society, or telling us how bad we are to the rest of the world.