Friday, November 11, 2011


I talked about when Herman Cain was climbing in the polls, he would come under attack.  Well the left, and the rhino's on the right have held nothing back, and now Herman is slipping just a little.  I think he can fight the accusations off, unless some proof shows up that he has accutally done the things he is accused of.  But I believe the accuzation have to be looked into, but one question I have is, why are all the accusations coming from the time Cain as with the NRA?  If Cain has a history of this behavior, there should be many, many more accusations.  After all, he was only with the NRA for about 3 years of his over 40 years in business??  This doesn't make sense??

Well, now Newt is rising in the polls, and the media has pretty much left him alone since the first few weeks after he announced.  But like Cain, now that he is moving up, the attacks are going to get started.  Both from the Liberals on the left and the Rhino's on the right.

Why is this?  I belive that the rhino's on the right want Romney, because he is closer to the center (basically a slower version of obama, just like bush was.)  The left wants Romney because they believe that he would be the easiest of the front runners to beat.  Mainly because of Romney's flip flopping.  This will be what the left and the MSM focus on, and they will rip into him for it, if it comes to a Romney vs. Obama race.

So Newt, watch they come.

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