He has changed his mind on Climate change; he was in favor of carbon taxes. He once stood outside a coal-fired plant in to show his support for emissions caps. "I will not create jobs or hold jobs that kill people, and that plant, that plant kills people," he said.
He instituted the first universal health care system by installing it in Massachusetts, based on mandatory insurance purchases. He said it could be a model for the country. We need a candidate that says the government should not be involved in mandating health care.
As a candidate for the Senate in 1994 and for governor in 2002 he championed the rights of gays and lesbians, including civil unions and the extension of marital benefits to gay couples. He promised to be a more effective champion of gay rights than Ted Kennedy.
He was for gun control before he was against it. As governor he favored a ban on assault weapons and the Brady Bill, which required a waiting period to buy handguns. Now he's solidly with the National Rifle Association.
Romney has yet to rise above 30 percent in the polls of Republican voters. It seems that whenever a new candidate jumped in the race, that person soared in the polls. But then the MSM jumped all over that new candidate to beat them down. They have done it to Bachman, Perry, and now Cain.
One should ask themselves, why do they go after the new candidates, but leave Romney alone. I believe that it is because the Democrats and the MSM want Romney to be the candidate because they believe they can exploit Romney’s stance on issues or the lack thereof a firm stance.
The Republican Rhino professionals are consigning the Republican presidential nomination to Mitt Romney more than a month before the first Iowan casts a vote. The Rhinos in the Republican Party are also for Romney because he is just like them. As president they know he would govern by accommodation as he always did. No one believes that he would stick to any of the stands he has taken the past year. The Rhino’s are just a very slow version of Obama.
If Romney were to win the nomination, Republicans would once again be a voting for the “lesser of two evils.”
We need Statesmen in the government to be able to make a difference in our Country....
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