Saturday, March 17, 2012


President Obama’s call for Congress to immediately eliminate $4 billion of what he calls subsidies for the energy industry is misleading and divisive.
“Oil companies are making record profits off of us right now — tens of billions of dollars a year,” the President said in a speech at Nashua Community College. “Does anyone really think Congress should give them another $4 billion this year? Of course not. It’s outrageous, it’s inexcusable, and I’m asking Congress to eliminate this oil industry giveaway right away.”

OK you liberal progressives.....I know you hate these things, but here they are anyway. 

The Facts. 

Oil Co. don't get "subsidies", they get the same "tax breaks" that all other Companies get.  He is using the term "subsidy" to make people think that the Oil Co. gets something extra.  Why is he dong this?  So he can divide the people and make the oil co. the evil, bad, nasty earth polluters.  And everybody hates Earth Polluters.

And another thing......what makes you think that the oil companies are going to pay the $4 Billion to the Government.....sure they may stroke the check, but you and I are going to pay the $4 Billion at the pump, or some other way.  Because only a Liberal/Progressive Government run, union (you can't fire a bad teacher) backed, public school graduate would think that ANY Company pays taxes.  ALL of them pass the taxes on to the public.  It's called part of doing business.  If I own a Company and it costs me "X" in expenses (and taxes are part of "X") then I am going to charge you more $$ so I can cover my expenses.  This is why the Minimum Wage Laws should be repealed, but that's another topic.

Bottom line.....what Obama is proposing will not bring down the price of gas at the pump, and your ignorant if you believe this.  Anybody with any sense knows that Supply and Demand are the main factors that will change the price at the pump.


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