Tuesday, March 6, 2012


President Barack Obama mocked Fox News Reporter Ed Henry’s Question On Gas Prices during a press conference........

.......But as a candidate Obama in 2008 he suggested the higher prices might be desirable if there had been a more “gradual adjustment.”

I wonder why Obama mocked Mr. Henry, after all if you look at the facts, it sounds like a legitimate question.....

Here is what Obamas Energy Secretary Steve Chu told the wall street journal in September of 08.........“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe,” 

.....Here is Secretary Chu at a recent Congressional Hearing.....

.....Here is Obama addressing gas prices.  Listen to the 1st question....Obama does not dismiss it......

If you think gas prices are high now, re-elect Obama and you'll see what high energy prices are, with the lower and middle class being hit the hardest.  Between, DOE, EPA, and Interior Dept., we will see energy prices, not only gasoline, go to a level never seen in the U.S.......

After all this is what Obama said about electric bills under his administration...... 

                                                                             WAKE UP AMERICA



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