One argument used by those who support taking away Americans Guns or support restrictions on the right to bear arms is, that our forefathers could not have imagined the types of guns that exist today compared to the firearms they had at that time. They say that the second amendment was never meant to cover machine guns and other such weapons. And the Lapdog Media utilizes their freedom of speech and the press, to spread Obama's agenda on the subject.
To quote a phrase, “The pen is mightier than the sword.” and not only mightier but far more dangerous than any gun in the hands of a citizen.
Democrats argue that guns today do not fall under the intent of the 2nd amendment, couldn't one make a similar argument for mediums that are used for the expression of the 1st amendment. At the time of the founding the only tools for expressing speech were written or printed word. There was no way our forefathers could have imagined a media that could broadcast instantly to any home across the country. They could not have envisioned the invention of radio, television, or the internet.
They could not have imagined a "News" medium editing video tape to alter what somebody says (as MSNBC has done several times)
The modern media holds great influence over the public and can be misused in the wrong hands to do great harm. The power still exists to spread misinformation and with the ability to disseminate information so quickly wouldn’t it be rational to place restrictions on these mediums that could never have been imagined by men who lived over 200 years ago?
How would you liberals feel if a republican administration said they were going to start making news casters pass background checks? Have a psychological background check? Or say that only a certain type of news can be aired or printed? That would be wrong, just as it is wrong with what democrats want to do with guns. The common denominator is that both are "RIGHTS", and they should not be infringed on.
But because we are becoming a Country of Men and not of Laws, these are the types of things that will continue to happen, and the scary question is, how far are you willing to go? many rights are you willing to give up????
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