Friday, February 8, 2013


A confidential Justice Department memo concludes that the U.S. government can order the killing of American citizens if they are believed to be “senior operational leaders” of al-Qaida or “an associated force” — even if there is no intelligence indicating they are engaged in an active plot to attack the U.S.

The 16-page memo, a copy of which was obtained by NBC News, provides new details about the legal reasoning behind one of the Obama administration’s most secretive and controversial polices: its dramatically increased use of drone strikes against al-Qaida suspects abroad, including those aimed at American citizens, such as the September 2011 strike in Yemen that killed alleged al-Qaida operatives Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan. Both were U.S. citizens who had never been indicted by the U.S. government nor charged with any crimes.

Carney’s response is tailor made for quick filing under “The opposite of what he’d have said if Bush were president”:

Here is the video.

“These strikes are legal, they are ethical and they are wise,” Carney said.  Are you KIDDING!!!

The White House defended the guidelines for targeting Americans in drone strikes as "fully consistent” with the Constitution.  Could somebody tell me where in the Constitutions that it says it's OK for the Government to take out Americans, because they are believed to be part of "an associated force".  Who decides what is an "associated force"??????

If this were George Bush or any Republican President doing this, the lapdaog media and the Democrats would be having anurisims trying to get to a micrphone to tell how much they are outraged at the fact that the President can kill American Citizens.....


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