Saturday, September 28, 2013


 Senators from both parties linked arms to defy Senator Ted Cruz, overcoming his attempt to filibuster the stopgap spending bill, which allowed Democrats to add back in full funding for Obama-care and power the bill through the chamber and sending it back to the House. Richard Burr was one of them.  “This is it. Time is gone,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who said he will not negotiate with the House GOP anymore.  But yet Obama, Reid and other democrats say the GOP is the one that won’t negotiate?   
“They need to accept what we just passed.” said Reid.  Statements like this sound like a dictatorship. 

The 79-19 vote on the cloture rule saw 25 Republicans, which included Richard Burr, join with all Democrats to advance the bill, easily overcoming Mr. Cruz and his allies who had argued this was the key point that would determine whether major parts of President Obama’s health care law take effect next week. Once that hurdle was cleared, the rest of the votes were preordained.  The bill that included Obama-care funding passed on a 54-44 party line vote.  

The 25 RINO’s are claiming that they voted against the bill that included Obama-Care, but remember, they voted for the cloture rules first which cleared the way for a 51 vote majority to pass the bill, that included Obama-Care, instead of the normal 60 votes for a bill to pass.   So if Burr and his RINO friends would have vote NO on cloture, and then voted NO on the final bill, IT WOULD NOT HAVE PASSED. 
 Richard Burr and his RINO friends claim that if they had vote NO to the cloture rule and then NO on the funding bill, it would hurt them in the 2014 elections, that the GOP would be the bad guy. 
“NEWS FLASH” to you RINO’s, the GOP is going to be portrayed as the bad guy no matter what.  The democrats control the media.  

These RINO’s just passed up the best opportunity the American people had to stop Obama-Care.  You instead made a deal with the democrats to pass the cloture rules that would allow you to vote “NO” on the final bill and still claim that you voted against Obama-Care.  

You are apparently not listening to the American people.  

So for this reason, it is time for Richard Burr and the other RINOs to go….

Saturday, September 21, 2013


 Why can't the government put together an "All of the Above" energy plan.

It would create 100's of thousands of new jobs. 

There would be construction jobs, operational jobs, maintenance jobs. Small businesses would be created to support these projects....It could possibly create millions of new jobs...

It would get us out of the middle east.  And we could be free from the heavy hand of OPEC.

  It would cut Americans energy bills and put more money in our pockets.

But it has to be an "ALL" of the above plan, not just oil and not just green....

The reason they won't, is because the left is lining there pockets with the money they make from the myth of "Man Made Global Warming".  Recent studies have shown that the globe has been cooling for the last 15 years, and the polar ice caps have increased dramatically.  That solar fluctuations are the main cause for global temperature changes.  We have been going through a hot spell and now we will be going through a cold spell, and then we will go through a hot spell in the future....

Liberals need to give up the lie about global warming and scaring people into believing it.  This way we can become energy independent and put people back to work.

Or maybe some people in the government don't want America to be free and independent?  Maybe they want America to fall so they can build it back up with the socialist programs they believe in, so they can control the people...this is what I feel the progressive in our government want......


Why is it when republicans do compromise, the democrats don't have to.  

Maybe it's been that way all along.  

The democrats don't feel that they have to abandon their beliefs and compromise and the republicans feel the same way.  

But when the republicans compromise and vote to fund all of the democrats government spending programs, programs that republicans aren't in favor of, they COMPROMISED and funded them, except obama-care.  The democrats got every program they want funded, except one.  

How is that not compromise?

Now if the democrats were really interested in compromise, the senate would pass the bill and if obama were interested in compromise, he would sign the bill.

Lets see who isn't willing to compromise..... 


Thursday, September 12, 2013

BIDEN: "I will make it my business to impeach Him"...(speaking of the President)

Biden has been asked by the media and others several times that if the President of the United States had launched an attack on Iran without congressional approval, would that have be an impeachable offense?

Here are his answers....

Below is a partial transcript of Biden campaigning in New Hampshire in 2007, where he said that he would move to impeach Bush if he unilaterally attacks Iran.

QUESTIONER: "I have a great fear that say you're elected as the nominee of the party. Next August sometime during the summer, Dick Cheney and George are going to bomb Iran."

BIDEN: "Legitimate concern."

QUESTIONER: "What can you do about it?"

BIDEN: "I am not one, who if you've observed me for some time, I am not one who's engaged in excessive populist rhetoric. I'm not one that pits the rich against the poor. I'm not one who's gone out there and made false threats against presidents about, and god love him he's a great guy, I'm not Dennis Kucinich saying impeach everybody now. But let me tell you, I have written an extensive legal memorandum with the help of a group of legal scholars who are sort of a stable of people, the best-known constitutional scholars in America, because for 17 years I was chairman of the Judiciary Committee.
"I asked them to put together [for] me a draft, which I'm now literally riding between towns editing, that I want to make clear and submit to the Untied States Senate pointing out the president has no authority to unilaterally attack Iran. And I want to make it clear, I want it on the record, and I want to make it clear, if he does, as chairman of the foreign relations committee and former chair of the judiciary committee, I will move to impeach him."

SECOND QUESTIONER: " ... I say this not to fan flames, and not to sound like a raving lunatic. You did mention something about impeachment, if George Bush does something regarding Iran. I say this as a strategic or tactical question. Do you think it would be useful now to forward an impeachment motion as a signal to the world that we're headed in the right direction?"

BIDEN: "It's a valid statement to make. It is not as clear constitutionally that articles of impeachment would lie absent his action, which is crystal clear if he acted without congressional authority in Iran. It is arguable constitutionally whether some of the action he has taken thus far amount to high crimes and misdemeanors that could be in fact proven.
"So it makes it difficult. But beyond that, it is counterproductive. Let me make it clear what the impeachment case I made is. I think the best deterrent is for the president to know, even at the end of his term, we would move and move to follow through with that so his legacy would be marred for all time if he acted in what was clearly, clearly an impeachable offense. In the absence of that, what happens is, and you're gonna think I'm joking about this. I'm not. If you're gonna impeach George Bush you better impeach Cheney first. Not a joke. Not a joke."

Here is Biden again on Chris Matthews MSNBC Show saying it again....

Does Biden still stand behind his comments???

My question is this, why isn't the media asking Biden for is input on Obama wanting to bomb Syria?  After all isn't Biden an expert on what the Constitutional Limitations of the President are dealing with the War Powers Act.

Again, where is the media and does Biden stand behind his comments like he said back in 2007....


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Why the Welfare System is broken......

Over 45,000,000 Americans are on food stamps.

Food stamps cover luxury items like lobster and filet Mignon. When I was poor, I ate Mac & Cheese and worried about paying my bills on time. For those on food stamps, eating cheaply isn’t a concern. 

An average family of five gets $700+ for food alone, not including the 180 free meals also offered at public school for the school-aged kids.

This is just food stamps alone. This isn’t about housing welfare, free college payments, infant assistance, free public schooling, or actual cash from the government. This is the food program alone. For many people, it makes far more sense to eat salmon on food stamps than to accept a part time job and risk losing the “free” money. 

People on welfare eat better than many people in the middle class who don’t qualify. That is wrong. And no, this isn’t just an occasional bit of fraud. This is what the system is supposed to do. There's a story where a lady was told that food stamps didn’t cover the dog food she picked, so she went back and got t-bones.

Why should the middle class, that are working to pay the taxes to give money to the "poor", not be able to afford electricity to pay for A/C, a cell phone, Cable TV, and have to eat Mac & Cheese, and yet there are "poor" people that can have all those things and get all kinds of welfare assistance.

That should upset you.

The democrat answer....give more people more money.  But eventually the government will run out of money to give to people.

If you support welfare existing to stop starvation from being possible, then that’s one thing. I get it. I totally agree.  Babies dying of malnutrition isn’t exactly what the goal is. But there’s no way around the fact that welfare should be reformed, cut, and that we should focus on giving tax cuts to the middle class to make it easier to leave poverty in the first place.

The reason democrats won't do anything about welfare lies in the statement President Johnson gave back in 1964, not the group of people he was talking about, but the underlying intentions for the "Great Society" programs.  Give people stuff and they will vote for you...........

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Obama and those that want to go into Syria all admit that there are Al-Qaeda rebels and Syrian Rebels fighting the Bashar Assad regime.  Obama and his administration say that the AL-Qaeda rebels are not the Rebels that we will be helping if we go ahead with military action.  They say they won't be helping AL-Qaeda because AL-Qaeda rebels and Syrian rebels are in different regions of Syria. 

America knows that the AL-Qaeda Rebels are not our friends, in fact they are our enemy. So we don't want to aid them in this civil war.  Obama thinks that he can have surgical missile strikes that will diminish Assad and help the Syria rebels.  I believe that this is true, because I believe we have the greatest military power in  the world and we can really diminish Assad's military. 

But my question is this.... If Assad is bad and needs to be removed and the AL-Qaeda rebels are bad and don't need to be helped in fighting Assad, and the Syria rebels (which some of them are bad, as shown by the video of them executing prisoners) are the ones that we want to help.  If our air strikes do what Obama wants and Assad is defeated, then what? 

Who is going to take control of Syria?  The Syrian Rebels and the AL-Qaeda Rebels?

I think not, in fact, I guarantee that this will be the next battle in Syria.  And what will Obama do next?  Will we launch more missile strikes to take out AL-Qaeda?  Will we need to put boots on the ground?

Fact is, Obama put his foot in his mouth with his "Red Line" comment (which he says he didn't say, but there is video that shows him saying it) and now he wants to save face.

Syria is a civil war that has nothing to do with America.  Obama and those that want to go in, are making a big deal over the use of chemical weapons that killed about 1500 people.  Why is it Obama is now concerned about people dying, when over the last 30 months hundreds of thousands have died in this civil war.  What does it matter how people are being slaughtered? 

I think what is going on in Syria is tragic, but in-fighting and oppression is going on all over the world, and unfortunately we can't help everybody in the world.  We have to be careful in getting involved in other countries internal fighting.  For us to get involved in any of these fights, America needs to be able to show an immanent and verifiable threat.

And we are not there with the Syrian conflict.......

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

OBAMA, "I didn't do it...I didn't do it....I didn't do it.....

He lists off everybody that "did" set the "Red Line", but he's not on the list....

How is it that everybody on his list DID it, but yet he DIDN'T????

How can this man have any creditability???  

Why does the lapdog media give him cover???

Are people really that uninformed and pay no attention to this man, that whey will follow and believe anything he says???

Here are a few of his "Red Line" comments over the past year....

Remarks by the President to the White House Press Corps – August 20, 2012

We have communicated in no uncertain terms with every player in the region that that’s a red line for us and that there would be enormous consequences if we start seeing movement on the chemical weapons front or the use of chemical weapons.

National War College – December 2, 2012

And today, I want to make it absolutely clear to Assad and those under his command:  The world is watching.  The use of chemical weapons is and would be totally unacceptable.  And if you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons, there where be consequences, and you will be held accountable. 

 Remarks by the President to the People of Israel – March 21, 2013

So I've instructed my teams to work closely with all of the countries in the region and international organizations and institutions to find out precisely whether or not this red line was crossed. 



Tuesday, September 3, 2013


The Washington Post recently published an article about how a teacher (adult) having sex with a student (child) should not be a crime.    I predicted back when the liberals brainwashed people into thinking the gay marriage was a “right”, that the next immoral behavior they would push would be pedophilia.   

But you say this is just one person and there is no large movement to legalize this….but like gay marriage, this is the first of the baby steps.  They did the same thing with gay marriage, at first it was a small group saying that homosexuality was “normal” and then it grew into a large movement, until the brainwashed and un-informed populous believed that gay marriage is a “right”.

As I predicted before that within the next 10 years, pedophilia will be legalized in some form or fashion.   And what will be after that, bestiality……

Immoral behavior will bring down a Nation….it’s happened before…….