Thursday, September 5, 2013


Obama and those that want to go into Syria all admit that there are Al-Qaeda rebels and Syrian Rebels fighting the Bashar Assad regime.  Obama and his administration say that the AL-Qaeda rebels are not the Rebels that we will be helping if we go ahead with military action.  They say they won't be helping AL-Qaeda because AL-Qaeda rebels and Syrian rebels are in different regions of Syria. 

America knows that the AL-Qaeda Rebels are not our friends, in fact they are our enemy. So we don't want to aid them in this civil war.  Obama thinks that he can have surgical missile strikes that will diminish Assad and help the Syria rebels.  I believe that this is true, because I believe we have the greatest military power in  the world and we can really diminish Assad's military. 

But my question is this.... If Assad is bad and needs to be removed and the AL-Qaeda rebels are bad and don't need to be helped in fighting Assad, and the Syria rebels (which some of them are bad, as shown by the video of them executing prisoners) are the ones that we want to help.  If our air strikes do what Obama wants and Assad is defeated, then what? 

Who is going to take control of Syria?  The Syrian Rebels and the AL-Qaeda Rebels?

I think not, in fact, I guarantee that this will be the next battle in Syria.  And what will Obama do next?  Will we launch more missile strikes to take out AL-Qaeda?  Will we need to put boots on the ground?

Fact is, Obama put his foot in his mouth with his "Red Line" comment (which he says he didn't say, but there is video that shows him saying it) and now he wants to save face.

Syria is a civil war that has nothing to do with America.  Obama and those that want to go in, are making a big deal over the use of chemical weapons that killed about 1500 people.  Why is it Obama is now concerned about people dying, when over the last 30 months hundreds of thousands have died in this civil war.  What does it matter how people are being slaughtered? 

I think what is going on in Syria is tragic, but in-fighting and oppression is going on all over the world, and unfortunately we can't help everybody in the world.  We have to be careful in getting involved in other countries internal fighting.  For us to get involved in any of these fights, America needs to be able to show an immanent and verifiable threat.

And we are not there with the Syrian conflict.......

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