Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Why are Democrats always throwing out the race card about everything?

For years they have been saying that if you don’t support Obama, it’s because he is black and you are a racist.  But have no proof, other than a very small minority of the population that feels that way, and some of them are democrats!  You are always going to have people that hate for some reason or another.  But that is no reason to lump together all the people that don’t support Obama as racists?  

Now you are starting to hear that the republicans/conservatives that support Herman Cain are only supporting him because he is black?  Again, no proof!

I think one of the reasons for this is that the conservatives support candidates on substance.  And liberals realize that their “substance” is not what most Americans like.  So what can they do….They attack and call people name like Racists, the greedy rich, and say Conservatives are going to push grandma of a hill.  I guess if you don’t have a message that the majority of the people want, just scare them into thinking that if you believed the same things the conservatives believe, then you must be a bad person too.

We don’t like Obama because of the policy’s he has towards redistribution of wealth.  We believe that as Americans we should be able to keep as much of our money as possible and pay enough taxes to support what the government is Constitutionally responsible for.  Obama and liberals don’t.  We don’t agree with government healthcare, because it’s not Constitutional.  Basically his whole socialistic type of form of government he wishes to implement.

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