Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Van Jones, yea you know, the former Obama Green Czar and self professed Communist.  One of the people that Obama received advice from regularly...yea that Van Jones.  Well, at a Major Democratic Fundraiser called "Take back the American Dream Conference" that is just what he said.  That "Homes and Healthcare are a RIGHT".  These are the types of people running the country.  And I don't recall seeing anything in the Constitution that says anything like this.

The people that buy into these socialistic ideals have been indoctrinated since grade school by the public school system and the Lamestreet Media.  It's a shame that these people don't know how to think for themselves.  They are unwilling or to lazy to take the time to look into what these people actually believe.  They only believe what they see on the TV or from what their leftist school & college teachers have told them.

If the people that believe in what the Framers and Founding Father gave us don't stand up and get active, the Van Jones and Obamas of the world are going to change it to a socialist-communist type of a system where the government tells us what we have to do...like buy healthcare...

                                           WAKE UP AMERICA!!

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