Monday, September 17, 2012


Is there a wrong time to do the right thing?

I believe there are a few.  If you believe that the current administration is bad for America, but won't vote for Romney because you support Ron Paul, and you are going to vote for Gary Johnson.  This would be one of those times.

Ron Paul and/or Gary Johnson maybe better for America than Romney, but the facts are Ron Paul didn't get the Republican nomination and Gary Johnson isn't even polling close.  So a vote for either of the 2 of these gentlemen, is just like a vote for Obama (which you believe is bad for America).

The time to do the right thing is during the next primary season.  We need to find the Ron Paul's and the Gary Johnson's that can replace the sitting politicians in Washington, (like McCain, Hatch, Boehner, Graham, others and even Romney).  But it needs to be done in the primaries, not the general elections.  Any progressive democrat would be worse than a "Rino". 

I am not a big supporter of Romney, but I know if I were to vote for the man that I think would do the best job, Obama would win instead, and that will be bad.

So this is one of those times that.....

.....................Doing the right thing at this time, could be the wrong thing to do..........

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