Friday, September 28, 2012

MSNBC is at it AGAIN.....

 MSNBC is at it AGAIN.....

Anybody that believes anything these people say is a fool.  How can you trust them to give you anything that could possibly be true.  In the first link to the clip, you will see an EDITED video of a campaign stop by Romney on Sept. 26th.  The commentators try to make Romney look like he is jealous and wants to make sure his name is before Ryan's.  They even caption the video with the name "Ryan" to make you think that the crowd is shouting "Ryan".  But if you listen to the video, the crowd is shouting Romney and Romney stops them to add Ryan's name.  When it was pointed out that they were severely edited, MSNBC has still not retracted it....

Here is the first clip that was on the 26th....

This clip includes a cell phone view at the 3:48 mark in which you can hear the crowd chanting Romney..

Here is another example of an edited clip they did a few months ago......this is what MSNBC put on the air.....

This is the actual clip unedited.....

This network is an embarrassment to journalism.

Where are the true journalist in America.....

When will the real journalist stand up and defend their craft from these Lapdogs.....

People need to SHARE this with all there friends before they go to vote so they can find out what is really going on in this country for themselves and stop listening to these Liberal Lapdogs for Obama.....


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